The Trigger-Band at this stage is a new and not yet clinically tested device for assisting with the condition of erectile dysfunction.  The device has been developed primarily as a sexual-aid/sex-toy.  The inventors, designers and manufacturers of the Trigger-Band make NO claims that this device is a clinically proven therapeutic aid for an erectile dysfunction condition or a premature ejaculation condition.

Notwithstanding the above Disclaimer, the device, when used in accordance with the recommended tips and techniques outlined in this pamphlet and website content, should assist most men in achieving strong and lasting erections, enabling very satisfying mutual pleasure for the user and his sexual partner.

It is extremely important for device users to use the Trigger-Band in accordance with our usage recommendations.  Any self-inflicted personal harm from over-use or extreme use of the device will be no responsibility of the inventors, designers, manufacturers or sellers of the Trigger-Band.


Trigger-Band users must note that even with our appropriate usage recommendations that the device can lead to the strongest of erections that they may have ever previously experienced.  The unique ability of the device to compress the base of the penis so very effectively means that a first-time user can build an erection so strong that there may be a small amount of blood passing through their urethra. Any such appearance of blood like this is an indication that the user must immediately ease off on the constricting impact of the device. 

Some novice users of the Trigger-Band may also find the effects so powerful that small blood blisters may appear on the skin surface of their penis. Any small red spots like this though will soon (give or take a period of around 12 hours) dissipate after they have appeared. Users are also strongly warned that the use of the Trigger-Band with a strongly compressing setting for an excessive period of time may generate penile damage. Users are therefore urged again to not exceed a time of more than 30 minutes in using the device in a strongly compressing setting point.

Users should, nevertheless, soon see that with careful use of the Trigger-Band that they will strengthen their penis and improve its blood engorging capacity.  Take care and enjoy!